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Social Projects

DocBaldéConsulting has a strong focus on improving the lives of people who need help the most. Therefore, we support individuals in Africa with medical equipment to enhance local healthcare, promote clean water access, and assist single mothers.


Medical equipment to enhance local healthcare:
In many parts of Africa, there is a lack of basic medical resources and equipment that could save lives. We work diligently to provide medical equipment and promote local training to ensure that those in need of medical care receive it.


Promotion of clean water access:
Access to clean and sufficient drinking water is a fundamental human right, sadly not guaranteed everywhere in Africa. DocBaldéConsulting is committed to ensuring adequate and clean water supply through projects in disadvantaged communities. Every person has the right to clean water, and we work to make this a reality.


Empowerment of single mothers:
Single mothers in Africa are often highly disadvantaged, whether in terms of education, job opportunities, or social support. DocBaldéConsulting provides resources to empower single mothers, giving them the means to support themselves and offering the opportunity to build a better life for themselves and their families.
